Young and gorgeous actress Sree leela has carved herself niche in Tollywood with her debut film Pelli SandaD. Though her debut film Pelli SandaD got mixed reviews for all quarters, Sree leela was appreciated for her acting skill, glamour and for her dancing skill. Sree Leela has already signed couple of films under Geetha arts banners.
According to the latest reports the makers of NTR30 has approached Sree Leela to cast her opposite to NTR. The film is going to be directed by Koratala siva. The film maker Koratala Siva wants to cast Sree Leela opposite to NTR in his film due to her craze among the youth.
The talks are still going on. The official confirmation regarding the same news is still under wraps.
In career front Jr.NTR is waiting for the release of his upcoming Pan Indian Film RRR which is all set to hit the big screens for Sankranthi 2022.