Young and promising actor Sudheer Babu will be next seen in his high-action packed film Hunt, in which Sudheer Babu will be seen as a Sencere cop. Hunt is helmed by Mahesh and the film features Srikanth and Tamil actor Bharath in main role.
Guess what, global star Prabhas has unleashed Hunt trailer digitally, the trailer is quite impressive. We gonna witness high-action sequences in this film. Looks like Sudheer Babu is going to strike a hit with this film. If you haven’t seen the trailer yet here is the trailer for you:
Hunt also features Kabir Duhan Singh, Goparaju Ramana, Sanjay Swaroop and Mounika Reddy in prominent roles. The film is slated for release on 26th January. Under Prasad have produced the film under Bhavya Creations Banners.