Some films got a release on OTT due to COVID. One among all is Mohan Lal’s Drushyam 2. It is a sequel to Drushyam. Victory Venkatesh also remade Drushyam 2 is Telugu. Now, Venkatesh’s Drushyam 2 Telugu version is star streaming on Prime Video. Here’s the review by Chitarseema, have a look at it:
Plot: Rambabu(Venkatesh) gets promoted by the cable operator to the theatre owner. Ram Babu will also plan to produce the film. Ram Babu will narrate one story to Vinay Chandra(Tanikella Bharani), he requested him to turn the story into a script for the film. Ram Babu life goes on, on the other hand, the police will be busy in investigating the murder case. Ram Babu’s wife and daughter will be scared whenever they see the police. The village people will be curious to know who killed Varun. Geetha and Sampath Raj who are friends of Varun will work as undercover cops to gather the evidence for their friend’s case? Will the police be able to re-open the case? Will cops arrest Ram Babu is the gist of the story?
Performance: It’s a fabulous performance by Venkatesh. Meena, Tanikella Bharani also gave noteworthy performances in the film.
Plus Points:
Venkatesh, Meena performance
Minus Points:
Few scenes are predictable
Verdict: Drushyam 2 is a decent and faithful remake, the twists and turns in the film will keep you hooked throughout the film. Drushyam 2 is a must-watch film if you haven’t seen the original version.