Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja action entertainer Khiladi is all set to hit the big screens On February 11, the film is directed by Ramesh Varma and produced by Sathyanarayana Koneru. The film starrers Dimple hayathi and meenakshi Chowdary as female leads.
The film promotions are on full swing both dimple hayati and Meenakshi Chowdary are attending back to back interviews, in the latest interview Meenakshi Chowdary stated that “it was pleasure working with raviteja in her second film”. She further added that “director has informed her about liplock scenes while he was narrating the story to her”. It’s quiet common in career.
Back to film Khiladi starrer Ravi teja in lead role and Dimple hayati and Meenakshi Chowdary as female leads. The film is directed by Ramesh Varma and produced by Sathyanarayana Koneru.